Should You Replace Your Home's Siding? What You Need To Know

If you want to update your home, one major way to do so is to replace your siding. If your home's siding has seen better days or you are just ready for a change, replacing the siding is a good option to consider. You may also be in a position in which your siding must be replaced to preserve the integrity of your home. Here are some key indicators about when you should replace your home's siding:

You Simply Want a Change

If you desire a change in the look of your home's exterior, you can opt to change the siding. This is especially the case if you want a different type of siding or exterior home covering. If you just want a different color, you might want to consider painting or coating your existing siding.

Your Home Has Dry Rot

Over time, your siding may begin to degrade. Siding can begin to dry rot due to exposure to the elements. Ideally, you should do a quality check of your home's siding every few years to look for dry rot. You should not wait until you can see dry rot. It is better to identify it early on to keep your home in good shape. Walk around your home with a blunt tool, such as a screwdriver, and tap on different areas on the siding. If anything begins to feel soft, it is time to have the condition of your siding evaluated.

Your Siding Has Cracks

If you live in a climate that sees a lot of wind or rain, your siding may start to crack. It is not an emergency to have some small cracks in a few areas of your siding, but you need to repair the cracks as soon as you can. If you do not repair the cracks, water and snow can get under the siding and impact the foundation of your home. If the siding is only damaged in a few spots, you can opt to just replace those sections. However, you might need to replace the whole house if you have a lot of wind and rain damage.

You Have Mold or Mildew Growth

If you can see mold or mildew growing on your siding, it does not always mean you have to replace all the siding. The mold and mildew growth might just be on the surface of the siding. In that instance, you just need to clean the siding. If the growth is in the seams of the siding, however, the growth might just be coming from beneath the siding. That means you have water damage under the siding. The siding needs to be removed and the water damage needs to be addressed right away.

Reach out to a siding contractor for more information. 

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Like the Sky, But on Your Home

Look up. What do you see? If you're inside, you'll see a ceiling. If you're outside, you will see the sky. Well, roofs are kind of like the sky. They're what forms the top of your building. Unlike the sky, however, the roof on a building can be constructed from a number of materials, including shingles, metal, slate, and tile. Roofs need repairs now and then, too, which isn't really a quality of the sky. If you would like to learn more about these amazing roofs and the people who construct them, we invite you to check out this blog about roofers.



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