Three Low Maintenance Siding Replacement Options

Are you ready to replace your high maintenance wood siding, but you aren't sure what material is best for your home? The following guide can help you choose the right siding so that you can enjoy your house without spending all of your time trying to keep the siding in good condition.


Modern vinyl siding is UV resistant, which means it is less prone to fading compared to the vinyl siding products of the past. You also have a large range of styles and colors to choose from, so you are sure to find something that fits your design preferences. Vinyl is a good budget-friendly option if you want a product with a similar look to wood.

Vinyl isn't completely maintenance-free. It will need periodic cleaning to prevent it from discoloring from mildew and algae growth. Scrubbing it down once a year with a deck brush is sufficient, but there are plenty of services that will clean your siding for you if you don't want to spend any time on maintenance.

Engineered Wood

If you love the look of wood, there's no need to give up on the material completely. Engineered wood is a composite wood product. It is more eco-friendly than vinyl, and often less expensive than traditional wood siding.

The only real issue with engineered wood is that it can be prone to moisture damage in damp or humid climates. For this reason, engineered wood siding is best used on homes that are in dry, arid areas. Fading can also happen over time, so periodic painting for aesthetic purposes may be required.

Fiber Cement

Fiber cement siding is made from a combination of cement and cellulose wood fibers. The mixture of these materials results in a sturdy siding option that can withstand most damage while also providing good insulative qualities. Fiber cement siding is fire resistant, doesn't suffer rot or insect damages, and it rarely has problems from UV rays or moisture. It can be a bit more expensive than vinyl, but the investment is worth it because fiber cement can last a lifetime.

Even better, there is almost no maintenance required for this option. Eventually, the color may fade, so you may want to paint it every decade or two, but this is purely an appearance issue that doesn't affect the function of the siding.

Contact a company like Maynor Roofing, Siding and Home Repair Company for more help in choosing a siding replacement material for your home.

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Like the Sky, But on Your Home

Look up. What do you see? If you're inside, you'll see a ceiling. If you're outside, you will see the sky. Well, roofs are kind of like the sky. They're what forms the top of your building. Unlike the sky, however, the roof on a building can be constructed from a number of materials, including shingles, metal, slate, and tile. Roofs need repairs now and then, too, which isn't really a quality of the sky. If you would like to learn more about these amazing roofs and the people who construct them, we invite you to check out this blog about roofers.



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